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[코로나19]Market App Orders 본문

ENG 컨텐츠

[코로나19]Market App Orders

그랜드슬램83 2020. 5. 10. 10:49


Extreme transformation to stimulate traditional markets.

Delivery and food ordering apps at traditional markets within 1.5 km of the market, quick delivery within 2 hours.

The system introduced allows customers to place orders through an app and receive their items within 2 hours without having to visit the market.

Fresh, tasty food delivered straight to my house It's been very difficult to go outside because of the coronavirus
but placing orders through the app has made things very convenient.

Many of the orders are made by housewives in their 30s and 40s who can't come out so our sales increase and customers can get their grocery shopping done. It's a win-win arrangement.

코로나19가 몰고 온

1. 전통시장의 급격한 변화

2. 전통시장 앱 출시

3. 1.5km 거리라면 2시간안에 배송(인터뷰 내용)

4. 소비자는 전통시장 앱을 통해 주문

5. 30대 40대 주부들 사이에서 인기(인터뷰 내용)


전통 시장 앱 써보고 어떤지는 확인해 봐야 할 거 같은데요.

식품을 직접 보고 고르는 것과 앱을 통해서 고르는 것은 다르잖아요. 

전통시장 식품에 대한 신뢰성 줄 만한지도 확실치 않구요. 이상입니다.
