관리 메뉴


South Korea reported 15 new cases of COVID-19 on Monday 본문

ENG 컨텐츠

South Korea reported 15 new cases of COVID-19 on Monday

그랜드슬램83 2020. 5. 18. 21:50

South Korea reported 15 new cases of COVID-19 on Monday, …meaning daily increases remained below 20 for the third day in a row.
The number of infections linked to clubs in Seoul's Itaewon neighborhood has been on a downtrend since the weekend.
Of the new cases, ten were imported… with seven detected at quarantine checkpoints.
The total infections in South Korea now stand at eleven,65.
There was one new COVID-19 death, …raising the death toll to two-hundred-63.
Over 16-thousand people are currently being tested.

질병관리본부 중앙방역대책본부는 5월18일 0시 기준,

신규 확진자가 15명, 3일연속 20명 이하

지난 주말 이후 이태원 관련 확진자는 감소세

지역발생은 5명 해외 유입은 10명(7명은 입국시 발견)

사망자는 1명이 늘어 총 263명

총 누적 확진자는 11,065명

어제 하루 검사자는 16,000여명

